Download the template using the portal log in to the azure portal one the left menu, select virtual machines select the virtual machine from the list select export template select download from the menu at the top and save the zip file to your local computer open the zip file and extract the files to a folder the zip file contains. Virtual export file download. Right-click on the agent’s name and export a copy of the registry branch to a memorable location; under the agent’s name, delete the virtual export registry branches (eg, "vmexportvolumes" and "vmvspheredatastoremap") go to the virtual host or export path and delete the previously exported vm, choosing to delete files from disk.
virtual export file download
Export a virtual machine an export gathers all required files into one unit--virtual hard disk files, virtual machine configuration files, and any checkpoint files you can do this on a virtual machine that is in either a started or stopped state using hyper-v manager to create a virtual machine export: in hyper-v manager, right-click the. Virtual dj 8 sound mixer pro and dj music maker is free songs remix app