Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Shadow Gun highly compressed only 6 MB apk data download

Posted by atiek on February 07, 2018

Shadow Gun highly compressed only 6 MB apk data download

Download Shadow Gun Highly Compressed in Only 6 MB apk+data (Mediafire link)

Download link:
Click here to download

Game Description:
2350. John Slade - the most known hitman in the galaxy, who was employed for elimination of the maniacal genius who leads the army of mutants. Your mission: to finish with a mad scientist, who has created the army of mutants. To get into the mountain fortress of the doctor and to battle to his personal protection consisting of cyborgs, fighting robots and humanoids, having the most advanced arms.
Opponents are not simple stupid robots, but cars allocated with reason, they will hide and act
together to settle accounts with you. In the game there�s stunning graphics and a lot of special effects. At the game there are mini games which supplement a gameplay. You are waited for by the improbable subject line with various endings. You decide how everything will end.

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