Name: a-gas.apk Google Play ID: com.agas Version: 1.4 Size: 1Mb
A-GAS Screen Preview
A-GAS Description
Do you rely on traditional paper pressure temperature charts or slide rules? Is you mobile phone with you everywhere you go? Is so, A-Gas have the app for you! INSTALL NOW!! to bring rapid and reliable pressure temperature (PT) data to your fingertips! A broad choice of refrigerants are available and updated regularly bringing you vital information whilst on the move! No need to scroll through an extensive list of refrigerants, simply select the refrigerants you most commonly use and the pressure units, the app does the rest for you! Simple and easy to use! No need to enter any data. All refrigerants commonly sold by A-Gas are available. Essential and additional data available for each refrigerant includes: � Refrigerant composition � Thermodynamic properties � Application � Oil type � Global Warming Potential (GWP) � Bubble and Dew Points for Zeotropic refrigerants (R400 series) HOW TO USE: Pressure Temperate Data: Select the setting wheel (top right of the screen) to choose the units of pressure you require. Data is available in bar, bara, MPA, kPa, psia and psig. Each refrigerant is represented by a �dot� above the pressure chart. Swipe left or right across the refrigerant bottle to switch to your desired refrigerant. The application, Global Warming Potential (GWP), Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) oil type, and corresponding pressure temperature data are also displayed. Select Refrigerants: Touch the �Refrigerants� menu button to narrow down the list of refrigerants available. Each refrigerant that has a checkmark will be available to view by scrolling through the main screen. More Information Button: Additional information can be found for each refrigerant by touching the "notepad" menu button under each refrigerant. Here information such as molecular mass, critical temperature, critical pressure and other valuable data can be found. Please visit for further information on our range of products and services available worldwide. � A-Gas 2014